
The Time Capsule: A Window of Success Has Opened!
By Chuck Pierce, Glory of Zion

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The Time Capsule: A Window of Success Has Opened -

Stay One Step Ahead of Your Enemy!

June 30, 2006


"A Window for Success Has Opened: Stay One Step Ahead of Your Enemy!" This is a phrase that keeps running through my heart. On the way to Washington D.C. last week to be with Mike and Cindy Jacobs, the Spirit of God visited me on the plane and showed me a time capsule.  He actually revealed this to me through a vision of a capsule that His intercessors were to "eat" at this time.  Like a time-release capsule, this time capsule would take action within us and would set the course for the future of our nation. Within the capsule I saw spirals or helixes with information upon them.  This was in the context of the seven-year war season that we are now living in. 
      After I completed sharing my message on Thursday night, the Lord then had me decree: "As a sign let a FLOOD now be released from heaven that will come and surround Washington D.C. to verify the time-frame and the words released.  Let the FLOOD begin!"  The Lord also talked about a "tree being uprooted." (You can go to to see a video report on the "Washington Washout.") Of course, Washington D.C. has been flooding for the last several days.  We must not miss our signs this season!

I will explain the Time Capsule below. However, I feel it is important that I remind us of the Seven Year War Season we are now living in. In September of 2001, we entered a season called "The Beginning of War-7 Years of Breaking Old Cycles." This is a season of covenant conflict in the earth. If you will remember, that is when we saw the World Trade Center in New York City fall as a result of a terrorist attack. Even though we have seen the world enter into the conflict with terrorism and the ensuing confrontations in the natural, the war is predominantly spiritual with religious overtones. You can read more about this in The Future War of the Church which was released in May 2001.
      We have continued through this season by experiencing a "Sabbath Day Rest Year", which was a time for Increasing Faith. This began in September 2002, the Hebrew Year 5763. We have had to learn how to weather violent, up-and-down situations. The Lord equated this to "The Divine Bull-Ride".
      In September 2003, we entered "A Year of Secrets, Mysteries and Surprises". This was also a year to Run with the Horses. In other words, you had to get past your footmen, let your circumstances harden you to confusion, and "run faster than that which you are contending with" (Jer. 12).

In Hebrew, the Samekh (60) Season we are living in is a season to Circle, Surround and Plunder the enemy's camp. This is a time of Violent Praise - not a quiet season, but one to SHOUT your way past your enemy. This is a time where Earth and Heaven are getting much closer. This is creating waves of change, hurricanes and tsunamis. The earth is shaking.
      We are now in the 5th year of this seven-year season. FIVE means grace. A supernatural abundant GRACE is available for our conflicts ahead. This is a season to stake our claim for the future. We must decree that our past will submit to our future - the best the Lord has for us. We have two more years of intense conflict with old cycles that would hold us captive and keep us from seeing God's best released.

The next Hebrew year that we will enter in October 2006 will be the Year of the SWORD. Violent worship must become even more violent. We, a people of God, will take the earth by force. Violent worship overcomes violence in the natural because the atmosphere around us changes. The Dichotomy of GOOD and EVIL will be defined in a new way over the next several months.
      Heaven and Earth are aligning. New councils of rulership are being formed in the earth. These councils are developing strategies to bring in the Harvest. These councils will know how to decree a thing and watch it happen. That is why decrees about the transfer of wealth are so important. (See the last prayer focus which included Dr. Peter Wagner's decree.)


Timing is important. How we seek the Lord in Heaven affects the outcome of the Earth in our generation. Remember we must "Eat the Word". Here is what I saw in the Time Capsule the Lord showed me:

  • Now - August 10: "The desert will strike back".We must learn to resist the strikes of the enemy during this time. You are making headway against the enemy. Do not let wilderness, desert spirits overtake you!
  • August 9 - September 5: "The breakthrough window will appear for God's covenant plan".We must decree an alignment of this plan into our lives, churches, cities, and nations. Covenant is so important to understand. Bring God's will from Heaven into the Earth. Read Luke 11. Pray the Lord's Prayer. Ask for the gift in you to be activated in a new way. Decree that the Lord will make room for your gift. Declare that your conscience become clear. Leave behind anything that has cluttered vision in the past.
  • September 5 - October 12: "Leaders for the future will be divinely positioned".I saw the Body of Christ moving like a game of musical chairs. Some leaders will retire, others will resign, some will be removed because they are resisting Holy Spirit's plan. The Lord will make room for the gifts needed to advance His Kingdom.
  • October 12 - Into the Future: "We become a new threshing instrument; a sharpened sword in the hand of the Lord". The circumstance you are going through is sharpening you and bringing forth your identity for the future.
  • Future - Forward: "The clash of the swords begins". Get sharpened! The swords of the earth, representing the spiritual realms of the heavens, begin to clash. This determines the future of the generations! (Rev. 12)

We Have Entered Tammuz
- the 4th Month in the Hebrew Calendar

The best way to understand this month is to think of it as "The Film-Strip Month". Glance back at how you have gotten to where you presently are in life. Look at the good and the bad, and then ask the Lord to reveal where you are going and watch your life progress. Adjust your course for the future and do not let wilderness spirits from the past stop you from advancing.
      This is the month of the "crab coming out of the shell." Declare that every shell around you will break and you will become vulnerable to the Lord. Remove the shell from your body. Guard your heart and your eyes (Deut. 11:26, 30:15-19). Covenant alignment becomes very important. Notice all of your handshakes this month (S of S 5:2-12). Read Isaiah 60 at least three times and "see and establish the brilliance of your righteousness".
      Worship becomes a very important aspect of our spiritual life this month. Worship the Lord in "Spirit and Truth." Read John 4. Be careful not to agree with the development of a "golden calf." Watch your mouth this month. Confess the best the Lord has for you. Agree with His call on you life. Do not speak an evil report. This month is linked with the Hebrew letter Chet. Let your conscience be purified and let light radiate from your eyes. See in His light!

We so appreciate your prayers and support. If you would like to give to the ongoing mission of Glory of Zion International Ministries you can go to or call (888) 965-1099 to give by credit card.


Reordering Your Day: Understanding and Embracing the Four Prayer Watches by Chuck D. Pierce

The NEW book is available! Time is probably more valuable to many of us than money. Many of us wake up wondering how we are going to get everything done in a day. Have you ever gone through a complete 24-hour cycle and said, "Lord, I had good intentions when I started the day, but then somehow I lost sight of Your purpose." This usually leaves us feeling behind, taxed with the cares of the world, and filled with anxiety. However, God is about to change the course of His People and make us efficient and effective in our prayer life and with our time! In Reordering Your Day, learn about the four night watches:

  • Evening - 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
  • Midnight - 9:00 PM to 12:00 AM
  • Breaking of a Day (Cockcrowing) - 12:00 AM to 3:00 AM
  • Morning - 3:00 AM to 6:00 AM

Let the Lord reveal to you why you are being called at certain times to pray. The Lord is restoring the actual watches of the night so we can see things we have never seen before. This book will help you understand how God is reordering our day so we enter into His timeframe and experience the power of seeing what He sees! (Special: $10.00)

Two Kairos Messages

Becoming Triumphant Over Failure: Overcoming the Midianite Robbers in Your Life (Chuck D. Pierce)

The Lord has really been speaking the phrase "the anointing breaks the yoke" (Is. 10:27). He is emphasizing that we need an anointing to break the power of the destroyer who stops our harvest. On Sunday, June 25 at Glory of Zion Outreach Center, I shared how a new anointing is coming on the Body to defeat the Midianite spirit. This CD will help you break free from those forces that would prevent you from securing your harvest. ($5.00)

A Window for Success Has Opened: Stay One Step Ahead of Your Enemy! (Chuck D. Pierce)

This Sunday (July 2) the Lord is leading me to build on what I shared last week. We will have an anointing TUNNEL to break the Midianite curses in our lives and press us through the window of opportunity ahead! This message will explain more about the "time capsule" and how the Lord is positioning us to stay ahead of the enemy's plans. ($5.00)

New Music CD: On Earth as it is in Heaven

This is our latest CD from Glory of Zion International Ministries which includes 12 incredible songs with a wonderful new sound. LeAnn Squier's Higher Place (It Might As Well Be Me) is so moving. John Dickson's One New Man captures the Jew and Gentile coming together. Then there are also three new songs by From Another World which blend the generations. This is a CD which will move you and cause a shout of victory to arise! (Regularly: $14.00. Special: $12.00)

New Teaching CD: Sound the Shofar by Allen Faubion

Understand the sounds of the shofar! This teaching CD both shares on and demonstrates the power and anointing of sounding the shofar. This sound causes the heavenly realm to move on the earth and it opens the way for those on the earth to move in the heavenlies. Awesome things take place when the shofar sounds according to the command of the Lord God Almighty: walls fall down (Jericho), enemies are destroyed (Gideon), the presence of God manifests (Sinai), and God's people enter into the covenant cycle of blessing God has prepared for us (Feasts). (Regularly $14.00; Special $10.00.)

OR you can order BOTH CDs for $20.00!

Possessing Your Inheritance by Chuck D. Pierce and Rebecca Wagner Sytsema

Understand the process of restoration through this book. At this time God is saying, "Restore all, and recover the spoils the enemy has taken from you." This book also has an excellent chapter on breaking generational iniquity. Possessing Your Inheritance explains the 10 phases of restoration and how to come out of grief and loss, into GLORY. ($11.00)

Restoring Your Shield of Faith by Chuck D. Pierce and Robert Heidler

Satan's repeated attacks using our own feelings of fear and doubt can wear down our belief in the Lord's power and goodness. False visions and knowledge that God has not kept His promises, news reports and feelings of self-pity are all venues Satan uses to undermine the most important part of our lives here on earth: FAITH. You will learn to be an overcomer, fighting and winning the daily battles against Satan's insidious objective. As your faith grows, doors of opportunity will swing open, asserting Christ's promise to His followers that through faith, nothing is impossible! This book explains what the door of faith really looks like, and also discusses the seven dimensions of faith. ($13.00)

Prayers That Outwit the Enemy by Chuck D. Pierce and Rebecca Wagner Sytsema

This book begins by understanding the game of chess in the natural and then moves to understand the spiritual dynamic of strategy, warfare, and communion. Learn how to overcome the enemy's plan in your life by gaining the strategy of God. The Holy Spirit is teaching the Body to pray in a new way. This book explains many of those ways. Understand your enemy and defeat his plan through prayer. Prayers That Outwit the Enemy is for now! ($14.00)

Or you can order ALL THREE of these books for $30

Two Ground Breaking Issachar School Courses

Positioned for War: Understanding the Significance of Your Tribe - taught by Chuck D. Pierce

This course studied the 12 tribes of Israel. The prophetic significance of each tribe is fully explained so you develop a better understanding of how your gift and identity operates in the Body of Christ . ($99 for DVD or CD set)

Understanding the Months Prophetically - taught by Chuck D. Pierce and Robert Heidler

This course studied each Hebrew month. The prophetic understanding of each month allows you to understand how the Lord orders our steps throughout the year. Many students shared that this was the most revelatory class they had ever attended. ($99 for DVD or CD set)

You can order any of these resources and many others by going to or by calling (888) 965-1099 or (940) 382-7231 (MC and Visa only). Special offers expire July15, 2006.

JULY 14-15 The Power of Sound in Worship and Warfare, including A Day to Let the Lion of Judah Roar!

I am so excited about our next Issachar School Course, The Power of Sound in Worship and Warfare. We actually adjusted this course subject to build on the incredible class we just completed, Worship, Sound and Movement. The revelation Jo Ann McFatter released was transforming. DVDs and CDs for that course are available for purchase by calling (888) 965-1099.

For our next Issachar School course on July 14-15, I felt the Lord direct us to continue teaching on how sound in worship and warfare has the power to change the atmosphere we are a part of and cause the enemy's camp to be thrown into confusion. I will begin teaching on Friday night at 7:30 PM, and will continue on Saturday morning from 10 AM until around Noon. However, The Power of Sound in Worship and Warfare will not only meet on Friday night and Saturday morning, but will also continue in a unique way on Saturday afternoon and Saturday evening. I feel so strongly about this opportunity to let our "sound" rise up before the Lord that I am opening this course to anyone who would like to attend at no cost!

A Day to Let the Lion of
Judah Roar!

You may want to just join us at our 2 PM session! At that time, we will shift from a classroom teaching dynamic to an activation and release where we spend the rest of the day actually loosing the power of sound in worship in warfare. I am calling this a Day to Let the Lion of Judah Roar and you will not want to miss it! The Glory of Zion International Worship Team will be leading us in violent praise beginning at 2:00 PM.

If you cannot come in the afternoon, come in the evening! At 7:00 PM we will move back into worship and honor the Lord with the best of our praise. This evening session will serve as our monthly Firstfruits Gathering for July. Of course, if you would like to get Issachar School credit for this course then you will need to register by going to or calling (888) 965-1099 or (940) 382-7231. But everyone is invited to join us for both Friday night and all day Saturday. If we are faithful to come together and release our praise and worship before the Lord then I believe that He will remove any blockage that would hinder us from moving forward in His covenant plans and purposes.


Chuck D. Pierce

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