
Celtic Prayer Journey Report
By Jacquie Tyre

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Celtic Prayer Journey 2007
Reawakening the Celtic Church:
A journey for the release of apostolic, prophetic, missionary zeal through worship, intercession and training to touch the nations with the power & authority of Christ.
In our day, God is desiring to release a fresh wave of His glory to encompass the globe through a re-birthing of the apostolic church that Christ left on the earth.  Dr. C. Peter Wagner has called this the “Second Apostolic Reformation.” Increasing numbers of believers worldwide have embraced this revelation, and are pursuing the actuality of Apostolic Christianity sweeping the nations in our day. 
The process of restoration involves looking back historically to learn from those who walked before us, dealing with the issues that led to the decline, and eventual death, of the early church through repentance, and leaning forward to receive revelation to walk forth in apostolic grace in our generation. The Church Jesus left on the earth walked in the fullness of the Spirit that turned the world upside down with the power of God demonstrated with signs, wonders, and miracles as they preached the Gospel of the Kingdom.  For the last 1500 years, the Church has been severely lacking in apostolic authority to proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom with power.  Progressively over the last 500 years, God has been restoring truths of faith, holiness, the prophetic, and many other lost truths.  Now
it is time to see the power and authority of the early Church restored to the Church today through worship, intercession, knowledge of the Word of God, and equipping of all the saints to do the work of the ministry.  It is time!
I am convinced that God wants to restore what the early Church possessed and carry us forward into even greater measures of His grace as a mature Bride who displays the glory and splendor of the King.  Come with me on a journey across the Celtic lands of Ireland, Scotland, and England, as we declare “It is time!” for the Spirit of God to awaken the Church today. Invite Holy Spirit to awaken hope and expectation in your heart to walk the ancient paths of Biblical Christianity restored in our day.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007 
Dublin, Ireland
The prayer journey team assembled in the Dublin Airport, arriving from Texas, Kentucky, Georgia, and Jerusalem, with representatives originally from Ireland and Scotland as members of the team.  Additionally, while in Ireland, Kevin and Rosemary Sambrook of Belfast were a blessing to have as members of the team.

Before leaving the airport, we prayed and declared that it was time for the re-birthing of supernatural signs and wonders to raise the dead that would lead to whole communities turning to the Lord in salvation. Even as Patrick prayed and saw the son and daughter of the king of Dublin raised back to life and triggered a move of conversion across the land at the leading of the king, so we humbly ask for men and women to rise up with boldness and confidence to move supernaturally at the leading of Holy Spirit to advance the Kingdom of God through miraculous demonstrations of the Spirit’s power.

Hill of Slane, Ireland
Historically, Slane Hill is the site of Patrick’s lighting of the Paschal fire to celebrate Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection in defiance against the pagan customs of the day.  This action brought him into contact with the pagan King Laeghaire and his druids.  Patrick overcame them with signs and wonders done in the power of Christ, and many bowed their knee coming to faith in Christ, though it does not appear that the king ever converted. Later a monastery was established that trained and sent out ministers to proclaim the kingdom from this place.

We prayed for the boldness and courage of the Holy Spirit to rise up within the Church in Ireland, and around the world to stand faithful in the face of fierce opposition.  As we walked around the abandoned abbey, someone noted that the church that had once flourished in this place was now filled with graves and tombstones.  We declared that the dry bones would live again and that the church that fallen into slumber would awaken to display the splendor and majesty of the King of kings once again. 

IT IS TIME for the Church to awake from slumber and rise in apostolic authority with boldness and power to defeat the kingdom of darkness. It is time for a reformation of the early church in our day to sweep through the nations bringing the Gospel of the Kingdom to transform the kingdoms of this age.
Bangor, N. Ireland:  Valley of Angels & Bangor Abbey
Bangor Bay was known as the place where Patrick reported, “The valley flooded with a heavenly light…  And with a multitude of the host of heaven they heard, chanted forth from the voices of angels, the singing of the celestial choir."  Patrick called that valley, Vallis Angelorum, or  “the Valley of Angels.”  At Bangor, in A.D. 555, Comgall established a monastery for education, and intense worship and intercession.  Bangor became known for its “high choirs” that sang at Bangor Mor., following the ancient practice of the Jewish temple in offering 24/7 praise and worship for 200 years.  Missionaries throughout Europe from Bangor carrying the light of the Gospel of Christ.
We prayed for passionate worship and intercession to rise from this place to sweep across Ireland and spread to the nations of the world.  We called for the angelic hosts to return and display the splendor of Christ, for education in the things of the Lord to be re-instituted in the land, and for missionary zeal to rise again to take the Gospel to the nations.
IT IS TIME for continuous worship, intercession, and equipping to break forth to reach the nations.

Thursday, April 26, 2007
Slemish Mountain, N. Ireland

This is the place where Patrick spent 6 years serving as a slave as a 16 year old lad, after being taking captive by Irish raiders along the coast of Great Britan. In Patrick's writings, he tells that when he was taken captive he was far from God, with little knowledge of Him even though he had been raised in the church.  While a slave in a foreign country, Patrick experienced a profound spiritual change. He had never given much thought to his religion but among strangers "The lord opened the shame of my unbelief". "The love and fear of God" so fully consumed his soul that in a single day or night he would offer a hundred prayers in woodland or on mountainside, rising before dawn and going to pray in hail, rain or snow: The years of bondage were  the years of Patrick's "conversion", and he looked back upon this stage in his spiritual development as the most important and critical in his life.
We prayed and declared that many who are far from the Lord today would return with a passion and zeal to serve the Lord with an abandon to win a lost world to Christ.  We cried out for prodigals to return and for salvation to sweep the land, specifically praying for the young people of Ireland to encounter the Lord in the midst of their spiritual captivity and be delivered into their God given destiny to radically impact the world for Christ.
IT IS TIME for those far from God to meet the Lord and turn with unceasing, unwavering intercession, to be captivated by the love of the Father that will propel radical obedience to go wherever He says go

Downpatrick, N. Ireland:  Patrick’s Grave-site and Saul Church
At the St Patrick Cathedral in Downpatrick, a large boulder engraved with the name “Patrick” marks the place of the re-burial of the remains of Patrick, Columba, and Bridget, three key apostolic leaders of the Celtic Church.  The only  historical center in Ireland that focuses on the life of Patrick is here providing much information on his life and influence.  Nearby is Saul Church (Saul is the gaelic word for barn), where Patrick was given a barn to start his first congregation in A.D. 433.  With numerous buildings over the years, there has been a continuous ecclesiastical body in this place since its inception!.  The peace and presence of the Lord permeated Saul Church in an astounding way. Truly, a well waiting to be re-opened to release the apostolic grace and authority that was first established in this place.
At the grave site, we declared that those who come to this place would be set from from romanticizing or giving into nostalgia over the past saints of God, but would seek only the Lord God Almighty.  We declared that we were looking back to draw from their life testimonies to bring forward that which we need for the future, that we are pulling the past forward into our future to see an even greater move of the Holy Spirit in our day and in the days ahead.
At Saul Church, we prayed and declared truth and purity of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to rise that is pre-Catholic and pre-Protestant. We shared communion, served by those on the team from Israel, celebrating in remembrance of all the Lord has done for us, and rejoicing in the amazing presence of the Lord that rested upon the Saul Church.  We prayed for the Celtic Church to arise again!
IT IS TIME for the Church to return to her apostolic roots to move forward rejoicing in the goodness of God that endures through all generations. 
Covenant of Love Church, Belfast
We were blessed to participate one of the mid-week services at the church pastored by Kevin and Rosemary Sambrook.  Robert Heidler preached and we all enjoyed a night of worship and fellowship with the Lord and the saints of Belfast.

We prayed and declared that this church and its leaders would rise in authority and favor, and be released in a new measure to impact the entire nation of Ireland.  We prayed for an increase of the Issachar anointing upon them to understand the times and seasons of the Lord, and to know what to do. Kevin prophesied that there was one piece missing for the completion of our journey that the Lord would reveal to seal what we had come to accomplish.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Day of Travel: Belfast to the Island of Iona, Scotland

Starting off early in Belfast, we traveled by plane, coach, and two ferries through Glasgow, past Loch Lohman, across the Island of Mull and finally reaching our destination on the Island of Iona. Immediately we were struck with the serenity and love that seemed to permeate the island. After settling into our rooms and going for a brief walk around the village, our team gathered for a relaxing dinner as we entered Shabbat at the St. Columba Hotel overlooking the beautiful mountains and waterway that separates Iona from the Island of Mull.

Saturday, April 28, 2007
Island of Iona, Scotland

A Christian community was established on the Island of Iona by Columba and his “apostolic team”, who arrived from Ireland around A.D. 563.  On this small, remote, and rocky island they educated  believers to read the Scriptures and to minister in supernatural power.  They practiced intense intercession, continual prayer and praise (“laus perennis”) for hundreds of years, and they engaged in the regular observance of the Sabbath and Passover.  They were in touch with Christianity’s Hebraic roots and operated in the power and authority of the early apostolic church.  Extensions of this community spread through missionaries sent out from Iona to many locations over the next hundred years. Iona became known as the “light of the western world.” 

Perhaps the best gift we received us on this prayer journey was that having Shabbat set apart for us as a day of rest from the normal activities to enjoy the beauty of Iona, the fellowship with friends, and most of all, spending extended time with the Lord.   The team scattered to enjoy the island, some hiking from end to end, some sitting on the rocks enjoying the brisk winds of Iona’s coastline, and some even wading -- or swimming -- in the icy waters of the northern Atlantic Ocean. 

As we gathered for dinner, testimony after testimony was shared of being led by the Holy Spirit to special places and times of communion with the Lord speaking to us of His love and desire for us and for the Church to return to living out of a place of deep intimacy with Him.  After dinner we journeyed a short distance to a spot the Lord had revealed and confirmed to be the location of the first monastery started by St. Columba around A.D. 563 to intercede and made declarations.
IT IS TIME for the Church to arise with a passion and zeal to worship, intercede and carry the Gospel into all the world.  It is time for saints of God to operate in the power of God with clarity to hear and discern the voice of the Lord and speak forth with boldness.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Travel to Edinburgh

Traveling from Iona to Edinburgh, we spent time worshiping and then, sharing the revelations the Lord had given us while on Iona. Each one had encountered the Lord in special ways with one consensus being how much we experienced the overwhelming love of the Lord. We stopped at some beautifully scenic locations along the way, including Oban and Loch Lohman before making our way in Edinburgh.

While in Edinburgh we declared a rising up and release of the passion and fervency of John Knox who shook the culture and gave birth to the Covenanters of the 18th century.
IT IS TIME for men and women to take a bold stand to ring a bell calling for radical repentance to turn nations back to God.

Monday, April 30, 2007
Lindisfarne “Holy Island”, England (near Berwick-on-Tweed)
Lindisfarne is a tidal island, accessible by a paved causeway that is covered by the North Sea twice a day.  Lindinsfarne was begun by Aidan and a group of monks from the Iona. They worked as missionaries among the pagan English of Northumbria.   Lindisfarne was known for being a center of education, training in reading and writing. Missionaries were also trained and sent out over much of England to spread the Gospel. Lindisfarne became known for its skill in Christian art of which the Lindisfarne Gospels are the most beautiful surviving example.
Following the Council at Whitby in 644, the monastery at Lindesfarne was forced to submit to the Roman Catholic church, and lost most of its Celtic distinctives.  In 793 a Viking raid on Lindisfarne caused much consternation throughout the Christian west, and is now often taken as the beginning of the age of Viking raids.
We declared a return to the eduction and training of believers in the knowledge of the Word of God and the ability to minister by the Spirit of God.  We broke the isolationism that came upon the monks after Whiby and declared a return to the practice of drawing away to worship and seek the Lord, linked with the discipline of going and being sent out to share the Gospel.  We declared that a true love of Scriptures would rise and that the idolatry of the written Word that keeps people from knowing The Living Word, Christ, would be broken. 
IT IS TIME for the Church to arise, fully equipped and faithful in “studying to show herself approved, workmen that do not need to be ashamed.”  It is time for evangelistic zeal to rise within the people of God to go forth into the pagan cultures with the power of the Holy Spirit with signs and wonders following the proclamation of the Word of God.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Whitby, England
From Lindesfarne, Celtic Christianity was spread from Scotland to England.  Probably the most famous of all Celtic monasteries in England, was Whitby in the kingdom of Northumbria.  Whitby  was founded by Hilda (or Hild), who also served as the abbess of the monastery. According to Dugdale,  Hilda “was a professed enemy to the extension of the papal jurisdiction in this country, and opposed with all her might… the celebration of Easter according to the Roman ritual.”

In  644 A.D., the council of Whitby determined that the Celtic church must submit to the paganized Roman Church.  The key issue at Whitby was the celebration of Christian Passover.  The Roman church, from the days of Constantine, had abandoned the celebration of Passover and Sabbath as being too “Jewish.”  As a point of historical reference, under Constantine the Church had been subjected to the influence of pagan worship in Rome that resulted in the influence of the worship of Mithras, and other false gods.  One key component being the adaptation of the pagan celebration of the spring equinox and various pagan gods and goddesses, including Eastre from which the word Easter is derived. This was done as Rome became Christianized under Constantine. The cultural practices of society were infiltrated into the Church, and separation from Jewish culture and traditions, such as the celebration Sabbath and the Feasts, were forbidden.
En-route to Whitby, God revealed “the missing piece” prophesied by Kevin in Belfast, as we shopped in Newcastle.  A sales clerk in the luggage department shared that the decisions announced in Whitby were actually determined in Durham.  We added a stop at Durham to repent for the decisions made at that place before proceeding on to Whitby where we repented for forsaking our Hebraic roots, for persecution and abandonment of God’s chosen people.  We declared a return to God’s order and cried out for a powerful revival of the power of God that was evident in the Celtic Church and lost by submission to religious systems and structures that do not align with the will and ways of God.
IT IS TIME for the Church to return to her Hebraic/Jewish roots and return to God’s divine order in observing the Sabbath and celebrating His appointed feasts.  It is time for the Church to arise with the power of God under her wings by the Spirit of God.

Passover at Whitby
At the Council of Whitby, Passover was forbidden under alignment with the Church of Rome.  After our time of repentance and declarations at the Whitby Abbey where the edicts of the Council were issued, we gathered for an evening of celebrating Passover and remembering that Jesus Christ is the Passover Lamb who offered His life as a sacrifice for all.  Much like the times of Hezekiah in 2 Chronicles 29-30, the timing of this Passover celebration was one month late, after we had completed the assignment of cleansing that Lord had commissioned us to do at this time. We had a glorious time releasing the blessings of the Sedar in Whitby. 

IT IS TIME for the Sword of the Spirit-the Word of God, the Blood of the Lamb, the Oil of the Spirit, and and mantle of intercession to rest upon and operate among God’s people in power.  Let the Celtic Church arise again! 

Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Stonehenge, England

Our final stop was Stonehenge, a monumental structure of huge stones erected as what appears to be some kind of altar of worship.  Through the years much speculation has surrounded the origination of Stonehenge, with many believing it to have been built by Druids or other pagans.  While there is no way of firmly proving any theory, we did find one study that indicated that this structure pre-existed such groups and seems to be more akin to the altars that would have been built by Abraham or Melchizadek.  Knowing that all the enemy can do is counterfeit or steal what God intends, we proceeding to intercede to see this place restored to God’s perfect intention for true worship of the Almighty God.
We stood in repentance for the false worship that has taken root over the centuries, for sitting idly by allowing God to be robbed of the worship He alone is worthy to receive, and to shut the portal to the second heaven of demonic revelation and declare the portal of wisdom and revelation from the Lord to be opened.  The tie of spiritual alignment between Stonehenge and the Georgia Guidestones was severed and canceled in the name of Jesus.  The stones, known in Gaelic as the “Choir of Giants,” were released to declare the praises of God and to stand as a testimony of the words of the Lord they had heard throughout the ages to the people of this generations and all who are to come. 
IT IS TIME for the rocks to cry out in worship and for the altar of worship to be reclaimed by the people of God and for true worship to arise to the One and Only True God.









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