
Call for Increased Intercession over our Nation, our State, Cities and Church
By Jacquie Tyre

Georgia Apostolic Prayer Network

Over the last several days the Spirit of the Lord has dramatically increased the burden of intercession upon my heart, and I sensed a strong unction to send out a number of specific targets to encourage you and your network of intercessors to intentionally and fervently join with others across the state in increasing the sound of intercession from the north, south, east and west.

We can be assured that the Lord desires to pour out His Spirit upon our state to release blessings of revival, restoration, reconciliation, and reformation to all levels of society. Furthermore, we know that He is listening for the sound of desperation to rise from all who call upon His name in faith. Though God could surely do whatever He wills without intercession, in His sovereignty and wisdom, He has chosen to do some things only in response to the fervent prayers of His people. It is though I can see in my spirit's eye, a picture of the Lord leaning forward over our state to listen for the symphonic sound of intercession and worship rising from our state -- My prayer is that we would all engage with intercession wtih a fresh fervency of faith and awareness of how desperate we are for more of His presence and power. Even though this is a bit lengthy, I have tried to format it to make it easy to take and utilize in your prayer times.

Please take the following Prayer Targets and incorporate them into your personal and corporate intercessory times -- let's release the sound of intercession across our state with faith to see God's will and Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven!

I. NATION: Pray for President Bush to "finish strong" in fulfilling the purposes of the Lord for his tenure as President of the USA.
Whether you agree with his policies or leadership as President or not, we have been given a divine mandate to pray for all civil and spiritual leaders according to I Timothy 2:1-4. President Bush, a fellow-believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, desperately needs the intercession of the saints of God, and our response to this command and need will have profound impact on our future as a nation.

Dutch Sheets has shared, with an intense passion, that it is evident that many who prayed for President Bush are no longer praying -- and we must return to our place on the wall to watch & pray for our nation and for President Bush.

Many have become discouraged, disillusioned, and distracted, being influenced by the media, recent policies, and

  • For the wisdom of the Lord and the guidance of Holy Spirit for President Bush, his cabinet, advisors, and staff
  • For entrance of true prophetic counselors to communicate with President Bush, not for political agendas but to share candidly what the Lord is speaking at this time
  • For strategies to outwit the enemy's (Satan) plans to destroy God's purposes for our nation
  • For supernatural protection against the intense warfare that rages, both spiritually and naturally; pray for protection of body, soul (mind, will & emotions), and spirit (intuition, communion & testimony)- over President Bush, elected officials and all military troops
  • For justice, righteousness, truth, purity, and integrity to be firmly established and upheld by all in governmental authority in our nation, and for God to mercifully and sovereignly deal with all that stands in opposition to His Word, His will and His ways
II. STATE of GEORGIA: There are a number of issues that we could target at this time, but I would like to call us to focus in on the severe drought that is under the rating of "exceptional drought condition" impacting the upper third of our state and the area surrounding Columbus, with all but the southeast corner of the state being under "severe to extreme conditions." This is a serious condition and one that warrants our attention.

Scripturally, we can see that drought is a form of the discipline and judgment of the Lord when a people depart from following after Him with a pure and undivided heart. See Deuteronomy 28:15, 21-24; 2 Chronicles 7:11-22; Haggai 1:7-11. I believe the Lord is speaking to us to intensify the cry of repentance and desperation for a mighty move of Holy Spirit across our state.

  • For the spirit of brokenness and contrition to permeate the Church bringing about true turning to the Lord with a whole heart; to depart and forsake everything that opposes full obedience to the Word and Spirit of God; to break all forms of religious activity that is as a substitute for the intimacy the Lord desires with us, His people
  • For a restoration of true worship that exalts Christ as Lord of All over every area of life - pray this for our "Sanctuary" gatherings and for our "day to day living" at home, at work, at school, and at play. Our lives are to be lived as an expression of worship - doing everything as unto the Lord whether in word or in deed (Colossians 3:17)
  • For the rain to come as an expression of the mercy of the Lord to quench the dry and thirsty land; pray for the curse of drought to be broken and the blessing of the rains to be released in the name of Jesus.
  • For all the people of the state (and other areas of the nation affected by drought) to be drawn close to the Lord and to know Him as their sustainer, provider, and healer; specifically, pray specifically for the farmers and agricultural industries of our state that suffer greatly during times of drought
  • For the citizens of our state to exercise wisdom and prudence in the consumption of our water resources, to willfully submit to the governmental regulations without rebellion or resentment
III. CITIES of our State: Without going into tremendous detail, it has become evident that our cities are under assault on a number of levels, and are in great need of prayer. Examples:
  1. Atlanta: Recent reports have revealed that the "Sex Trafficking" is a major issue in Atlanta. Atlanta is one of the top cities, not only in the United States, but around the world, for Child Sex Trafficking. Every day, Atlanta children (ages 11-17) are being kidnapped, enslaved, and forced into prostitution. Mayor Shirley Franklin has made ending the child sex trafficking in Atlanta a top priority. We must join in this effort through intentional, fervent intercession. A number of prayer networks across the state are engaging in this battle. Click Here for a statistical report on this issue.
  2. Columbus: This year there have been an unusual number of murders in Columbus. To date there have been 24 murders as of today (10/4/07), which is significantly above normal. Over the last six years there has been a steady increase in the trend of murders and violent crime.
  3. Brunswick: Similar to Columbus, Brunswick has experienced an increase of murders. Essentially they do not experience murders and this year, as of a month ago had already had 7 murders. We have done a prayer strike in the area to address some of the root issues the Lord revealed, but we need to stay on the offensive to break this pattern over Brunswick.
  4. Other cities: If you have pertinent information about your city, please send this to us so we can add it to our targeted intercession for the cities of our state.
Hear the Sound of the Trumpet Calling us to PRAY OVER OUR CITIES:
  • For the sound of intercession to rise louder than the sound of sin, to summon the intervention of the Lord in the midst of our cities
  • For the roots of Covenant Breaking, Violence, Bloodshed, and Immorality to be revealed, broken, and cleansed from the land to break the cycles of wickedness over our cities
  • For the Church to rise up as a Bright and Shining Light to provide answers to the hurting and desperate, and to be as SALT to preserve our cities and to stop the advancement of evil
  • For a release of Godly wisdom, revelation, strategies, and cooperation between Church and governmental officials to effectively fight the rise of crime across our state;
  • For healing to come to individuals, families, communities, and cities -- healing of the mind, will, and emotions, healing of relationships, healing and deliverance from prejudices, roots of anger, bitterness, and unforgiveness;
  • For generational curses to be broken - for patterns of iniquity to be revealed, confessed, repented from, renounced and forgiveness to be extended and received all across our state
IV. THE CHURCH across Georgia: Simply put, please pray for the Church to rise up with a desperation to cry out to the Lord for a mighty move of His Holy Spirit, not just a visitation that comes and goes, but a move of the Spirit that comes to stay and bring about transformation at every level of society.

Note: When speaking of Church, I am referring to both the nuclear church that gathers to worship and the extended church that is scattered throughout society. Both expressions are necessary for Kingdom impact to reach our cities, state, nation, and world.
  • Religious Mountain: While the Church is obviously a part of this mountain, there are many other religious voices impacting our culture. Prayer that the voice of the Spirit of God through His People will influence the spiritual atmosphere over this mountain and bring about true righteousness, peace, justice, and truth in the Name of Jesus.
  • Family Mountain: Pray for Godly, Biblical foundations to infiltrate the family units; pray for all expressions of compromise to be exposed and for courage to adjust to the plumbline of God's word regarding families
  • Marketplace/Commerce/Business: Pray for men and women in the marketplace to conduct every aspect of business according to the Word and Spirit of God; pray for those in key positions of influence to speak boldly to bring adjustments to practices that are contrary to the Word of God
  • Media: Pray for righteousness to arise with a clarity of voice to champion truth, goodness, humility, honor, holiness, integrity, and godly values; pray for men and women of godly character to arise to places of influence. Pray for families to monitor and guide their exposure to the media according to righteousness
  • Government: Pray for righteousness and justice to permeate every aspect of government; for corruption, compromise, and every expression of wickedness to be exposed and extracted so that righteousness and justice will rule.
  • Education: Pray for teachers (public, private, and home school) at every level of eduction from preschool through college to teach truth with excellence, to encourage and inspire students to learn and pursue their God-given purpose in life, and to discipline according to righteousness and justice with the support of parents to train children, young and old, in the way they should live
  • Entertainment: Pray for holiness and wholeness to permeate the mountain of Entertainment; for voices of influence to rise to call forth entertainers to step up to a higher standard in their art; for conviction of Holy Spirit to touch the entertainment industry to bring about transformation unto righteousness and to guide individuals as the audience to choose according to standards of righteousness, not simply going with the cultural norms.
I encourage you to print this and incorporate into your personal and corporate prayer times. Allow the Spirit of God to highlight the areas of particular assignment for you and press in for a release of His answers with power to display His splendor all across our state. Please drop me a line if the Lord reveals something that you believe we need to hear.

It is an honor to serve the Lord with you --

For His Glory,

Jacquie Tyre
GAPN, Apostolic Coordinator

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