
Summary of October 1 State Meeting with Prophet Chuck Pierce

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Prophetic Summary
October 1, 2006 Georgia State USGAPN Gathering
with Prophet Chuck Pierce
Blowing of the shofar will enter in and unlock the year ahead for you
It’s going to permeate down in and begin to unlock your mind – lay your hand on your heart that’s where your mind is.
Cause your emotions to realign; it’s going unlock your emotions so you can begin to express the Lord in a way that you have never expressed Him before.
Cause the very desire that God has for you this year to be unlocked.
Cause anything that’s stopping you from having vision, for vision to begin to be unlocked in you for your future.
Causes occult spirits that are hiding the plan of God to be uncovered and let go. The Lord brought me to this city, this hour, at this time todecree that every occult spirit, the word occult means hidden, everything in the bloodline that is flowing that would hide the purpose of God for this city, we decree that the hidden sound of heaven will now uncover those deeds of darkness in this area.
Causes the leaders of a region to begin to respond and align - find our tribe so we can go into the army and the war ahead.
You are entering into the two most intense years that you have known in the history of this land.
Releasing a sound that will unlock a boldness in you for you to advance into the harvest fields ahead.
You are a Shofar. Let the shout of God arise within you. This sound is going out in this region. God is rearranging the atmosphere of the region.
I am blowing on the roots of revolution in this nation – I am blowing on the roots of revolution in this nation. The wind of my spirit is being unlocked. It will now blow from North into the South. You are standing in the center of where the headquarters of my revolution for the future of this land will begin.Atlanta will be known as the place of revolution in this land.
For a revolution must occur to change the course of my covenant plan that has been locked up and diverted.
You will begin to see a new order and a new turning occur from this city.
This region, the states of the South will be known as the place where revolution broke out to recreate and replant the course of my purpose for this land.
The fires that once were in this city will arise again.
But I say My voice will divide the fires. And the prophets of the land will come to this place and they will speak forth.
And I say the fires of revival will begin to be spurned from this area.
So I say to you let the revolution begin, for the churches of this region will now begin to hear and experience the fire of change.
"This is a year of purification and vision for Atlanta."
God is going to begin to purify many of the works here in Atlanta, many of the streams here in Atlanta that have become polluted here in Atlanta, God is sending in, and beginning to either dry up or to clean. Now if they don’t clean out, they dry up, because He is not going to have stagnation in this city.
I saw Him blow on the roots of the revolutionary war, for some of you history buffs, and when He did, it stirred up from down deep in the ground of the course of this nation what set the covenant plan and the freedom of this nation.
He said the South would be my next place of revolution.
He said in the midst of it, this will be the headquarters of revolution. You are sitting in a very peculiar place and time right now of what God is going to do.
In our nation it will be heard of what the Lord is doing here.
Now, also in Georgia, this will be a year that you, as a state, birth the next move of God
The roads coming out of Georgia will be filled with God’s spirit. Every highway in Georgia will have a significance this year. And when you see those highways crossing over into the other states, there will be incredible releases between states in this area. There will be a major revolution that comes to this area
Atlanta, God is blowing a wind into this city and the worship, anointing in this city is being unlocked.
The South is going to mingle in a sound that has not been heard in this nation.
Get ready; there is a sound of unity arising in the South that will shake demonic sources that have been embedded here for over four hundred years loose.
I want to decree tonight that here in Georgia, the prayer movement will shift.
You must go to the next level.
God is going to shift our prayer life this year. It’s really not just dependent upon us; He has ways to press out of us, a need to seek Him. He loves us so much He will do what it takes to get us gathering together and seeking Him in ways we never sought Him before.
This pleased the crowd greatly” when they saw the Apostle James fall. Be very careful here in Atlanta, now God spoke this for you, and for this region, because there’s going to be some real shifting
He’s rearranging leadership in the earth, the Lord is. Be careful when you see certain things happen with leadership. That’s a call to us; it’s a prophetic sign.
There comes a time where if we don’t raise up and pray, we’ll get picked off one by one by one. There will be a deadness that comes in – one by one by one – into God’s people. Let me tell you something, we are entering into a season this year that you’re going to have to pinch yourself several times for you to even believe that what you’re seeing is really happening. God is getting ready to do something in the church in this land, in His kingdom plan in this land. It is not dependent upon our believing. God says,
“I’m gonna have a group praying all night and it’s gonna unlock some things that has never been unlocked.”
You’re gonna get into some places this year you couldn’t get into in the whole past season.
You need to decree the places that have been blocked for you, that you are going to move in and move through and move past.
We are on the verge of deliverance. And God said it’s going to sweep this city first.
We’re gonna be crying out in prayer meetings, there’ll be prayer meetings birthed around the clock, but all through the night. And I’m telling you what, God says “I’m giving you the night, so I can order the day.”
We’re shifting, we have to shift. We’re entering into our two most violent years…. I am telling you we’re headed in to our next two most intense years we have known and God says, “I’m already stirring up the victory within you.”
We must, as God’s people, start decreeing a new wave of Holy Spirit.
Go to the places where Holy Spirit has moved in this region. Stand there. You deal with how we have run off the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit will come and resist the evil in this area.
We must take our prophetic words and go to war.
Here’s what I saw for this region: I saw churches meeting and praying until portals were opened.
God said “I’m gonna open portals all over this region so angelic hosts can come down.”
God’s saying, “I’m not having the pastor sit in his office, I’m calling him to the Threshing Floor and begin to pray with my people until the heavens are opened and my angelic forces have invaded the midst from church to church to church throughout this land.”
We, through our prayers, are creating a pool of healing. This pool this year will burst forth healing in our midst.
You need to have time each month, each week where those who are sick, where those who are afflicted, where those who are lame can come in and you lay hands on them and decree they will be healed. Do not let pride and religion stop you from praying over people. If thirty dies, sixty will get healed. God says, “Before long, I will burst forth pools of healing in this area.”
God says, “I’m gonna rearrange the church in this region where I don’t have a bunch of spectators going just to watch. I am going to create healing teams, I’m going to create prophetic release, I’m going to create warriors.”
The Lord says, “I have come to visit this region and create a revolution.”
If we will get before the Lord in constant prayer, everybody say “Constant”. That means you don’t let up until you break through.
An anointing for exploits is going to fall on certain people. They’re going to have the ability to defy the world’s method of resource development and come into a place of unlocking resources like we’ve never seen. I’m gonna hold that, I just heard what the Lord just said here
We’re going to have to learn how to gather and make constant prayer. Because see, the Word of God is going to be very sharp. This is a time that the Word will pierce our hearts. Now this is what God said to me, and this is the first time I’ve shared this, for anybody who needs it, He sent it to me flying out here for you.
He said, over the next nine months you’ll be like Mary; she pondered the word in her heart. She pondered it from the time of her visitation of Holy Spirit. In the midst of that pondering, it got so down deep within her that she could endure every circumstance ahead the next thirty-three years.
If you are seventy and above this year, God’s going to penetrate your heart in a way that things that you have heard, words that you seen released, they are going to go, God is going to go deep down within you, you’re going to find yourself crying out in a place of intercession beyond words. And things that have been stored there over the last forty years will unlock.
This will be known as a time of movement. Things that have been put on the back burner that have not been confronted will be confronted this year God will order your steps to confront issues that have not been confronted.
This is the time of divine confrontations. What God is gonna clean up this year, He’s gonna clean it up here first. I’ve already heard Him.

He’s gonna clean up that issue of bringing our gifts to the altar and us not being right with each other.

He is ready for us to prosper. Now hear what I’m saying to you. He is ready for us to prosper, therefore, He’s going to clean up everything in us that would keep us from prospering.

This is a Jezebel year: It is a governmental seducing spirit that is being unlocked this year to set the wrong course for this nation. It will set a course to persecute and wear down the minds of God’s people if we don’t take our stand now.
This is a year to watch for seductions: Where there’s been seeds of seduction sown in the church in certain regions, God says, “You’re the one I’m putting My hand on first. I’m gonna start cleaning it up. I’m going to start cleaning it up.”
This is a year to protect yourself: Do not fall into being seduced off your path for finances, for power, for gain or in a sexual way. Guard yourself, and listen, you get some people around you that you’re accountable to and don’t you move one inch out of God’s plan this year.
This is our year, not of the wineskin, but of new wine. Now hear me. We are going to see wine pressed this year.
God is going to pour revelation on us this year. Now hear me. Pour revelation out on us; pour revelation out on us.
It’s going to cause the wineskins to begin to clash. It’s going to cause the wineskins to start clashing.
By the end of the next two years, all of those old wineskins we have tried to cuddle and save, they will no longer be viable in the earth realm.
This is a year of gold.
The currencies of the earth will shift based upon the structure of gold.
There will be a realigning of economic systems this year.
Therefore, be willing and flexible to go with the realignment.
God’s gonna give the Prophets clear direction to break God’s people out from under the bondage of Babylon so Babylon does not rule us as we enter into this next season.
It’s a year of exclamation. –say “God open my eyes.”
The things God said softly in the last season, He’s gonna shout ‘em in this season. The things we’ve not been willing to hear, they’re going to get so loud that it shakes everything around us.
This is not a quiet year. It’s not a year to be quiet. It’s not a year to “go quietly into the night.”
It’s a year to storm the night sound with a sound of violence and praise and decree that, while it is still light in this nation, that the very light and day of God will control this land
And the Lord would say to you, “I am going to cause you to find your three days of seeking me and I will reenergize you body. I will cause your body, the cells in your body to have glory planted within them and unlocked. I say get prepared for I am sending you into a new place, and that which has been imprisoned, you will unlock.”
And I will say to you, this is a time for pressing through for the hem of my garment will come through you at the crowd, it will come through and give everyone an opportunity, I say break out, break past, break through, touch my hem, press through, that you will press and press the revelation that I will have for you to drink this season and I will pour you out as a drink offering in the land.
And I would say to you, I will change the movement throughout this state and the states that are surrounding. And worshipers will begin to gather.”
Key people, the Lord says to you, “Don’t orchestrate it; just say, ‘would you hold a worship gathering’ and let the flavor of the body begin to rise up all over this region. And you will travel as a band and a troop of worshipers, and I say, the angels will travel with you. And what needs to come about will come about, and you will be known as a troop that created a revolution in this land.”
Note: Compiled by Jacquie Tyre from Transcription provided by the staff of Atlanta Metropolitan Cathedral.

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